We are one; we have one Father; who is our Creator. Fathers are pleased by the unity of their children. God requires us to be united (John17:21).  Let us love, value one another and put our difference aside then we will please God and we experience His peace.  It is time to turn from evil, do good and seek peace (1Peter3:11).  Let nothing separate us. Tribalism destroys unity. No need of discrimination, we are one, let us choose to build our  homes, country and continent, make them  better places. Our country and people are precious; we must love our land and protect our people.

Everyone has role to play for peace to prevail. We must resist evil and say no hatred. Whatever you want people to do for you do it for them (Matt7:12). You are your brothers’ keeper; support and comfort them. Rejoice and cry with them (Rom12:15). Unity is a secret of success.  It is a weapon that allows us to conquer and an answer too many problems.  Division is a threat to the development.  A house or a people that are divided cannot stand (Mark3:25). When people are not united, they will be defeated.

By Syaviha Mulengya
Tel:+254 722 539 397
Tel:+254 734 125 250

Email: nenasasa@yahoo.com

Blog: www.syaviha.wordpress.com




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