Are Two worse than One?
A few people can be ready to get married again to their current partners if they were given that opportunity. Some couples are discouraged and depressed because of their partners. They will rather choose to be alone than being with their partners. Some regret their decision of being married because they feel they are with wrong people. Other gave wonderful promises that they did not keep, their partners feel deceived. You are united for a purpose, you are His. He is yours (Song 2:16). Your spouse expects the best from you. Be a blessing to your other half. Be there for them. Your spouse needs you. When you don’t play your role you break their heart. Every marriage has its own challenges. Despite the challenges you can enjoy your marriage (Eccl4:9).
Two are better than one. Where there is unity there is prosperity, peace and progress. Your partner is not a mistake in your life. Accept and love them. Change the negative attitude towards your partner.
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Paying evil for evil breaks your marriage. Overcome evil with good. Pray for those who mistreat you and leave revenge to God (Rom12:17-21). Revenge leads animosity which later destroys marriage. Don’t let sun go down when you are still angry (Eph4:26). Open up, seek counsel from wise people. Many counselors bring success (Prov15:22). Many have succeeded at work but have terrible fail at home. Be willing to accept your mistakes, when you hurt your partner say sorry, ask forgiveness and be ready to forgive.
Swallow your pride; if you want solve your problem. Accept your mistakes and be willing to correct, when you do not want to solve the problem, you will be in pain. Reason together as mature people, you will find a solution. Marriage is between two of you. You can build or break it. When you build you are happy but you break it, you will in pain. Stop pointing fingers, it will not help you. You may be blaming your partner when you are the problem.
By Syaviha Mulengya
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