A blessed day is a happy day.
You are blessed and your day is blessed day. What a joy!
You can praise and rejoice because your day is blessed by the Lord and no one can curse what the Lord has blessed (Numbers 22:12).
This is a blessed day. This is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).
In a blessed day
God’s Power and Presence are with you. You have no reason to doubt or fear. Your steps are well ordered, your future is well prepared and your provision is ensured. Every morning you wake up sing a song of praise; because the day is made for you to rejoice regardless of your situation trust the Lord Who has power over the entire situation. Believe in God who does not fail and He is faithful.
You are really a special, blessed and unique person in the whole world.
• Everything is under God’s control, rejoice, you are blessed.
• When you are down, God is up there He will lift you, rejoice, you are blessed.
• God has favored you and given many things for free, rejoice, you are blessed.
• God is with you, He can never fail nor forget you, rejoice, and you are blessed.
• You are child of God, chosen, Holy, and saint, rejoice, you are blessed.
• God knows your name and needs, He is reliable, because your are blessed
• You have where to run, cry, hide and share your sorrow ,rejoice you are blessed,
• God receives, forgives and gives joy, rejoice, your are blessed
• Your name is blessed man, lady (before you name write Blessed Name, eg. Blessed Syaviha or BM or BL = Blessed Man, Blessed Lady.
• Seek the face of God.
• Since you are saved, serve and worship the Lord.
• Speak to the Lord and listen to Him.
• Stand firm in your faith and fight Satan and sin in your life.
• Submit before the Lord.
• Manage well your week so that you can be effective.
• Meditate on the Word of God and His wonders.
• Minister to people trough your talents.
• Miracles are not over, wait for your time.
• Teach the Word God that touches and transforms people’s lives.
• Testify His wonders.
• Thank God for what He has done what He is doing and what He is about to do.
• Trust the Lord there is Hope for you
• Wait upon the Lord.
• Walk with the Lord and work for the Lord.
• Watch yourself.
• Witness and win souls for Christ.
• Tame your tongue.
• Teach, touch and reach people with word of God.
• Test every spirit and do not be deceived.
• Turn away from evil.
• Fear not, the fight is not yours.
• Flee from sin; be faithful to God.
• Forget the former things, focus on the new one.
• Forgive those who have wronged you.
• Sanctify yourself for the Lord.
• Sin not because you are saved and sanctified.
• Sleep not but wake up and work.
• Spend time with Lord, family members and get time to rest.
1st Matthew 1:23
in whatever you do this month, whatever you see, remember God is with you. He will not leave you. He is your God and you are His child. Expect His blessing. This is a blessed month, in which God (Emmanuel) is in control.
2sd 2 Samuel 2:1
Involve God in whatever you do, ask Him before you make any decision. He is the one who knows the way and your future. Bring your trouble to Him, He will show you what to do and how to do it.
3rd 1 Samuel 3:10
Be ready to listen to the voice of God, He can use unexpected channels to speak to you. Just avail yourself, allow Him to use you the way He wants.
4th Genesis 4:4
Learn to give God the best of your time, offering, income, possession and talent. When you give to God and others, you should give with a pure.
5th Exodus 5: 1-5
Do not reject the message from God nor neglect His servant. Listen and obey God. If you obey there are blessings, but if you disobey there are consequences.
6th Matthew 6:14
Learn to forgive those who wrong you, if you want God to forgive your sins. Forgiveness brings joy and peace. Forgiveness brings healing and progress.
7th Joshua 7: 2-7
Sin hinders your blessings and blocks your progress in the Christian life, examine yourself instead of complaining. Confess your sin, God is ready to forgive you and give you a new beginning.
8th Ezra 8:21
You need God’s protection and guidance in what you do, because it is God who can give you safety and success in what you do. Depend on God.
9th Deuteronomy 9:4
We are who we are by grace not because of our good works. Always remember to fear and serve God. Without God you are nothing and there is nothing you can do. Remember what He did and what He is doing and walk with Him.
10th Mark 10:27
God is not limited by circumstances, events, background and age. For Him all things are possible. Trust Him and wait for Him to act.
11th Luke 11:9
God is your provider, He has everything in abundance. Do not give up; He will supply your need. Keep on asking, looking and knocking. He will not let you down.
12th Daniel 12:3
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. If you want to be wise, you must learn to walk with God. He will help you to shine like a star in this world full of darkness.
13th John 13:15
Do not emulate the world; you can be easily deceived. But follow Christ who has given you an example. Follow what the Word of God says and your life will be a blessing and encouragement to many people.
14th Ezekiel 14:6
Consider your ways, turn away from evil, and stop the evil practices. Do what is good and delight in the Lord, who is the source of your life.
15th Mark 15:29
Jesus Christ was accused and abused because of you and me. We have no reason to be ashamed of Him. Stand without fear preaching the Gospel and serve with all your heart.
16th Acts 16:25
Prayer has power to do great things. No matter your situation let us not forget to pray and praise the Lord. Your faith and testimony will bring many to Christ.
17th Judges 17:2
You can abuse or curse your children if you do not learn to weigh your words. Words have power, so use them wisely. Tame your tongue and time your words.
18th 2 Kings 18:3
Time is a gift from God. Do what is right in the eyes of God. Do not mess up your life. Imitate Christ He will help you to shine and make a difference.
19th Luke 19:10
Jesus Christ can save you no matter how your current life is. Come to Jesus the way you are and He will make what He wants you to be.
20th Proverbs 20:13
Laziness leads to poverty. Work hard is the secret of abundance. Avoid laziness and get to work hard. Wake up and work
21st Genesis 21:19 – 20
No matter what happened to you; it is not yet your end. With God there is hope for a better future.
22sd Numbers 22:18
Let not the things of this world blind you. Serve the Lord. Do not leave your faith. Don’t quit but continue with Christ you will make it.
23rd Psalm 23:1
The Lord is a good shepherd who is ready to supply all your needs. He knows how to take care of your life, you have nothing to fear. His goodness and mercy will follow you.
24th Joshua 24:15
If you choose God you have made the right choice because He is the source of life and blessings. Choose Christ you will not regret.
25th Matthew 25:13
The Lord is coming; do not be confused or deceived by people. Be ready because we do not know the day or hour. Remain close to Christ.
26th Acts 26:16
Stand and work, no matter what people say, know who you are and what you are called to do.
27th Job 27:3
Say yes to Christ (holiness) but say no to sin. Keep your promise.
28th 1Chronicles 28:9
Know the Lord, worship Him and serve Him with all your heart and all your life.
29th Jeremiah 29:11
God has planned your life; His plans are the best. You do not have to worry or fear because every single step is well controlled and planned.
30th Psalms 30:1
Praise the Lord for what He has done in your life and trust Him for what is about to do.
31st Isaiah 31:1
You may have achieved something good, but do not put your trust in things or your effort. Trust the Living God who works through you. Men change and things have an end. Trust Christ who was and is and will always be there.
Enjoy the message from chapter 3 verse 3 of:
Matthew 3:3
Make way for the Lord; repent from sin. Do not waste time because Christ is coming.
Mark 3:3
Come with your problem, there is solution at Jesus’ feet. Obey and trust Him.
Luke 3:3
Do not forget your purpose in your life; accomplish your mission.
John 3:3
No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. Christ is the way to heaven there is no short cut. Believe in him and surrender your life to Him.
Acts 3:3
Share your problem; ask and it will be given to you. God can use any one to be a blessing to you. Sometimes, God gives more than you need.
1 Corinthians 3:3
Your action should agree with your words. Let your life show that you are saved and grounded in the Word. Remove everything that can make people to doubt your faith.
2 Corinthians 3:3
You are the light of the world and the letter which is read everywhere. Display a good character wherever you, know that God is watching you and people are seeing you.
Galatians 3:3
Do not return to your former life. You started with Christ, continue with Him up to the end. Do not be deceived by what you see and find in your way.
Ephesians 3:3
Our God reveals His secret to His people. He uses many channels to reveal His will.
Be ready to listen to Him, if you want to know His secret.
Philippians 3:3
The transformation of the heart is more important than outward appearance. In fact, God looks at the heart. Is your heart transformed?
Colossians 3:3
Your life is hidden in Christ. You are dead to sin, but alive in Christ. Have no desire for sin because you are saved.
1Thessalonians 3:3
Troubles should not take you away, so be grounded in the Word and remain strong in faith.
2Thessalonians 3:3
God is faithful; He will keep you strong and guard you from evil. It is not by your effort but by God’s power.
1Timothy 3:3
Since you are saved, you are a child of God. You are called to serve Him. God’s servant must be gentle, live in integrity not be violent, quarrelsome or lover of money.
2Timothy 3:3
We live in an evil time, where we need to be careful not compromise our standard. In the last day people we will live according to the pattern of world, be holy.
Titus 3:3
You are a new creature in Christ. Speak, think and act in a way that pleases God. You are saved from sin to serve the Lord God. Let your life honor God and people.
Philemon verse 3
True peace comes from the Lord, not from wealth of the world. May Peace and Grace of God be always with you where you are May His grace teaches to live a pure life.
Hebrew 3:3
Christ is greater than any man of the world, if you have found Him; you have found a secret for your life. He is greater and does great things.
James 3:3
Control your tongue. One word can build or destroy, use your words wisely.
1Peter 3:3
True beauty comes from inside. Take care of your spiritual life .When Christ lives in you; you will please God, people and be able to shine.
2 Peter 3:3
Do not be deceived by what you hear and see, remain strong in the Lord. Do not join the scoff in their evil way remain pure because Christ is coming.
1 John 3:3
You are Child of God and holy therefore keep yourself pure. Knowing that Jesus is coming.
2 John verse 3
May the peace of God keep your heart and mind, May His Grace strengthens you and may His mercy follow you all the day of your life.
3 John verses 3
Keep your good reputation; it pleases when people hear about your faith and good reputation. Live in integrity that those who will see or hear about you will be pleased.
Jude verse 3
As Christians, it is important to know about faith, in order for you to stand firm in Christ Faith in Christ is also important. Without faith, you cannot please God.
Revalation 3:3
You need to remember the Word of God that you have received and heard. Obey it and live according to it. Christ is coming very soon you need to wake up and repent.